Exams and Hay Fever

It’s that time of year again-pollen count is high, exam revision looming and the dreaded sneezing has begun, leaving you listless and unable to concentrate.

Research into hay fever shows that ability to  function  in exams can  diminish, affecting results, so LTs has put together some natural remedies  that can help with the symptoms.

A qualified practitioner of kinesiology and homeopathy on our team suggests a herb called Luffa by Vogel. they also do a nasal spray. We have all used it and found it to be effective.

You can also order from us  superb  products such as R84 and  R93 and histamine nasal spray ,plus cineraria for streaming eyes.  They are known to be most effective  and we recommend them. They  will not have any  side effects such as drowsiness  that allopathic medicines over the counter sometimes do.

These are only available through a practitioner such as LTS.The price ranges from £5-9.00 per product. Please enquire at info@ltslearning.co.uk.