Irlen syndrome and Autism

Symptons of visual Dyslexia are often present in other learning disabilities such as Autism and Dyspraxia.

Difficulties with handwriting and  fine motor control (ability to see depth, understand where everything is in relation to the person, feel the space around them (proprioception) can be improved through testing for Irlen Syndrome which is a visual perception difficulty .Improvements are immediate as coloured lenses help to change the depth  frequency and timing mechanism for the brain to ‘read’ the information accurately. This allows the candidate to make  spatial judgments and calms down the entire nervous system for better control.

Added to this is the amazing programme that we have recently acquired called

The Listening Programme by Advanced Brain Technologies.

We are offering this programme at a greatly reduced price for the next 6 months

For more information and  to book a course contact LTS on 07967 223181 0r email –   In the  heading-  ABT.