Hay fever season may be on us , but it’s time to knuckle down to some serious 11+ revision if you are thinking of entering your child for 2018entry. Booking now for next year means that your child will be professionally tutored, and well prepared, both in subject and technique- many of the grammar schools […]
Category: General
Is this the end for the chocolate teapot that has no use? A dearly loved phrase or idiom that conjures up the perfect analogy – used correctly it gives a wonderful visual picture of a melting teapot! More importantly for dyslexics it gives the right brain visual cortex time to process the phrase through its association […]
The Smart Chute is a fun way to support literacy and numeracy skills by ‘posting’ a card into the chute for it to come out at the other end with the answer.Cards include initial blend,finals blends, vowel digraph , addition and subtraction, times tables. It engages the child well but can be tricky to remember […]
A new support pack with parents in mind parents has been developed by Dyslexia Action.it takes in account extensive research evidence about the best way to support children who struggle from the beginning to ‘catch on’ with reading. The pack offers a balanced approach to learning to read. early skills training-a series of structured exercises […]
Each year Dyslexia Awareness week aims to raise awareness about Dyslexia..Dyslexia Action the national organisation that’s helps and trains those involved with dyslexia believes that for all that has been achieved, more can be done for those to receive the best possible support whether in school or at work. This year Dyslexia Awareness Week will […]
http://reikienergyhealingla.org/reiki-energy-healing-los-angeles/reiki-healing-and-autism-compilations/ Reiki is an holistic therapy which encourages the body to heal itself emotionally.There is growing anecdotal evidence from our clients and other bodies that it has a particular caliming effect on the nervous and limbic system encourages better sleep patterns Our qualified Reiki therapist has reported that our autistic students really enjoy the sessions […]
A great title ! Max one of our students who is autistic was entered by us into this year’s BBC 500 word competition.We think this is a superb piece ,with clever assonance and alliteration thrown in bucketfuls. Here is an extract: Max’s entry Mr. Ning Yang owned a restaurant called Yummy Yang’s. It was […]
Kinesiology is an effective method to test the body’s reactions to stress be it a food intolerance,an emotional problem, environmental pollution such as electricity mobile phone usage, television (EMR), learning difficulties associated with autism spectrum (kinaesthetic difficulties such as touch),or noise pollution. Kinesiology can test for concentration levels in children, their attention span and once […]
LTS Learning is now an accredited provider of ‘The Listening Program ‘ www.thelisteningprogram.com The Listening Program is a music based Auditory stimulation method specially designed to train the brain to improve the auditory and sensory processing skills needed to function effectively . It is most beneficial to those with poor concentration and ADD as it […]
Is Structured activity for children a good thing? Could this be a breakthrough for those with poor concentration? Extract from The Listening Program(R) with reference and credits to Alan Heath (TLP) and Nathan Urban Neuroscientist at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh. Hippocampal Activity During Music Listening Exposes The Memory-Boosting Power of Music For the first time […]